November 11, 2016
Sermon Message by: Rev. Dr. Parrish L. Bridges
Say “Yes” To God and “No” To Fear
Bible Texts:
Deut. 30:15-20 and Matthew 5:33-37
“Hold fast to God!” That is the primary message in our Old Testament text today.
Say “yes” to God’s life changing promise because God is holding fast to you. It means that we have faith in God’s hold on us even when we cannot see His almighty grasp on us. To live by faith is to say “no” to the illusion that we can save ourselves, “no” to the relentless demands of others who try to be our God, and “no” to living a frantic, fearful life. To live by faith is to say “yes” to receiving life as an unfolding drama God is writing.
Sometimes it is we who are called to say “no.” Sometimes it is God who says “no” for us. But, at all times, we are participating in the high drama of receiving the life that God alone can give us.